Simple Home Purification (Panchakarma)
Simple Home Purification (Panchakarma)
In Ayurveda the transitional time between seasons is traditionally the time for personal renewal. In never-ending cycle nature shifts from old energy to new energy.
Both for prevention and to deal with a specific health problem, Panchakarma is highly recommended art of cleansing and detoxification. Panchakarma means 5 actions to clear out the accumulated toxins and prevent progression of disease. If you are not near a center where Panchakarma is available you can do an effective purification program at home. It is a powerful process and it requires your respect.
[sociallocker]Begin with internal oleation. For 3 days in a row take about 2 oz of warmed, liquefied Ghee (clarified butter) early in the morning (see Ghee). The Ghee provides internal oleation and lubrication, which is necessary so that the ama or toxins begin to come back from the deep tissue to the gastrointestinal tract for elimination.
During the entire time it is important to get plenty of rest and to observe a light diet. From day four eat only Kitchari (see recipe).
After three days of internal oleation it is time for external oleation. For the next three days apply 7 to 8 ounces of warm (not hot) oil to your body following with a hot bath, shower or home sauna (see Abhyanga). Abhyanga lessens the agni (digestive fire). To keep it working have one teaspoon of Triphala with hot water every night of days 4-6.
Day 7 is a day of cleansing, light fasting, and complete rest. In the morning when you wake up, take a purgative of pure castor oil with ginger or lemon tea. Vata and Kapha types use 2 Tbsp, Pitta- 1 Tbsp of castor oil. Follow the castor oil with a cup of herbal tea every half hour. Take no solid food until you have moved your bowels about four to six times. In the evening eat a light dinner of Kitchari (see recipe). No work or vigorous activity at that day. Relax, meditate, and sleep as often as you like.
Be your own healer. Take responsibility for your own health. You will start to experience a great change in your thinking and in your feelings, and will really fall in love with your life.
Do not do the therapy if any part of it is contraindicated by existing problems or symptoms. If you have an imbalance or illness, consult your physician first.
See also: Ayurveda about Colonic; Ritucharya-seasonal routine; and Dinacharya-daily routine).
TODAY’S TIP: Plan your Panchakarma so that on the 7-th day you can take time off from your usual routine.[/sociallocker]
For more information see “The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies” by Vasant Lad.
I started home Panchakarma on Tuesday. Today is my last day of taking Ghee. Warmed liquified Ghee tastes better followed with warm water. I feel great, I can feel all my internal organs, joints and tissues lubricated from within.
During the next 3 days I’ll do Sesame oil massage with hot shower afterwards.
Looking forward to sharing my experience with you.
Isn’t oil massage a bit messy? How do you protect the floor?
Thanks. Continue the great job!
Yes, you are right, it IS messy. But the benefits are so fantastic that you just have to find a way to do it. I tried different things like old cloth, towels, paper towels, even old newsparers. Finally I settled on under pads from pharmacy. They are inexpensive, last long and you don’t need to wash them like towels.
Have fun and stay well. Larisa.
very informative, bravo.