Time – The Most Powerful Factor in the Material World
Time – The Most Powerful Factor in the Material World
There is no question which the Vedic knowledge isn’t able to answer. It covers all matters from “How to be happy “ to “How the Universe is built”. All these subjects are minutely described in Vedic scriptures. An interesting branch of Ayurveda deals with foretelling of future events. Many of them, such as comings of Christ and Buddha, have already happened, some not yet.
Vedas teach that we are immortal souls living numerous lives in different types of bodies both material and subtle. Every part of cosmic space has its specific taste of happiness. A living entity will be born in the place which corresponds with the taste for happiness they developed in the past lives. All human beings on Earth are here because we believed in our past lives that happiness is in enjoyment of material things. Since justice is the cosmic law, our wish came true and we got the opportunity to be born here and find that happiness or develop a higher understanding of happiness and rise to higher planets in the future.
Vedic knowledge states that it is possible to be happy in this world. In order to be happy we need to study the laws that are ruling here. Everything in our material world is affected by two forces: the Time and the Gunas (See The Three Gunas and How Food Affects our Mind). The Gunas can be changed by changing our attitude and diet but Time is absolutely insuperable here in material world. It destroys whatever it touches from galaxies to mountains, from oceans to human bodies. This is not the case in higher galaxies though. The living beings there also die, but they do not age. And only in the spiritual world does the power of Time disappear. Here on the middle galaxies the process of aging begins right after birth. For several years our body is able to maintain its balance and we think we’ll always stay in good health effortless. But suddenly an illness shows up. All at the sudden our body and mind are not as flexible as they used to be. The force that makes them stiff is called the Time. This force requires respect and discipline.
Time has two aspects: stimulating and disciplining (punishing).The tool the Time is operating with is called Kala Chakra (in Sanskrit). Kala Chakra is the Sun. (The Sun and the Moon are considered planets in Ayurveda). The Sun punishes people who disobey his rules and rewards those who respect them. The energy of the Sun is composed of happiness and joy. When the Sun comes up it activates our body and mind, all functions change ready to start the day. This energy wakes us up in the morning and gives us optimism, love, and power to get over the difficulties of life. If we decide to stay in bed we combat this happy energy and choose the opposite- failure and dissatisfaction.
According to Vedic knowledge, how we spend the day impact our future life. If we sleep in late in the morning, our childhood will be joyless and sluggish. The daytime is intended for interaction with the outer world. If we spend it right, our adulthood will be productive and fruitful. The evening is supposed to be spent with our loved ones. If we fail to do so, our old age will be negatively affected. Every day we are sowing the seeds of our future life.
To respect time means that everything needs to be done on time. At certain age a woman is expected to give birth to a baby. If she decides that it is not a good time right now for some reason the possibility arises that she won’t get a baby at all, or the baby will be not as healthy as it could be, or the baby will have different father than her present partner and so on.
So acts Time. Or, another example: our physical health and our overall success are greatly affected not only by what we eat but by when we eat as well. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. is the time of day when the sun is in the highest position in the sky and helps us to digest almost any meal without making us sluggish and sleepy. Food, especially grains and legumes, eaten after 6 p.m. builds up toxins, causes insomnia and destroys digestion. Steamed vegetables, however can be digested with the power of the Moon, which begins at 6 p.m., so they are recommended for dinner to keep us grounded and promote healthy sleep.
One of the most obvious disagreements between contemporary nutritionists and Ayurvedic specialists is the use of milk and diary. Many nutritionists say that milk isn’t appropriate for adults and causes mucus in them. Ayurveda states that milk is the most blessed product on Earth given us by God as a special gift. If we consider the Time factor this seeming opposition will disappear. If you think about the milk with its white structure and cool energy you’ll understand, that milk is a lunar product. Therefore it is digested with the power of the Moon before 6 a.m. and after 6 p.m. Taken at that time it is beneficial for everyone. Hot milk with a pinch of sugar before bed is said not only promoting good sleep but purifying our consciousness during the sleep. Some people with weak Moon in their Horoscope may have problems with milk digestion. They should start with tiny doses of very warm sweetened milk (1/2 teaspoon) and their digestion will improve gradually.
Since we have chosen to live in the material world being loyal to its rules is the key to happiness and progress.
TODAY’S TIP: Performing Sun Salutation (Surya namaskar) in the morning is the great way to honor the Surya – the Personality of the Sun and to get his blessings for the coming day. See Sun Salute.
Thanks for the info.. Could you tell us about sun and moon in brain or body if any?
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