The First Five Minutes after Waking Up – Time to Heal Yourself
The First Five Minutes after Waking Up – Time to Heal Yourself
Every night we go to bed and every morning wake up to meet a new day along with its challenges. The period between these two events is extremely mysterious. Wise men call the process of night sleeping “little death”. Most people avoid talking or even thinking about death, ignoring the fact that death is the only sure thing in life. The Bhagavad Gita states:
jātasya hi dhruvo mṛtyur
dhruvaṁ janma mṛtasya ca
One who has taken his birth is sure to die, and after death one is sure to take birth again BG 2:27
The truth is, because our souls are immortal, transcendental beings, in our hearts we do not truly believe in dying. So why do our loved ones, friends, and others disappear from our life over the course of time?
The Vedas explain that just as a person changes clothes, so too an immortal soul simply takes a new body according to the deeds and desires of their previous life.
Bhyam yam vapi smaran bhavam tyajaty ante kalevaram
tam tam evaiti kaunteya sada tad-bhava-bhavitahagavad
Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, that state he will attain without fail BG 8:6
But how can one make the mind think of the right thing at this extraordinary moment that happens only once in a current life? In order to purify our consciousness, the Vedas recommend to remember two things and to forget two things every day before sleep. The two things to forget are: the good deeds we have done and people who have hurt us this day. The two things to memorize are: death and God.
What happens to us when we fall asleep is a nightly repetition of the mystery of death. The scriptures assert that each night the soul leaves the body, staying connected to it by a silver cord. Due to this connection, the body does not deteriorate. The subtle body also abandons the sleeping body. It divides itself into two parts: a high frequency phantom and a low frequency phantom. The high frequency one encircles the soul while the heavier part goes down, usually under the bed.
At the moment when the soul, along with the high frequency body, comes back, we wake up. The heavier, low frequency body stays out for about 5-7 minutes. Since the low phantom contains information about all diseases of the gross body, Ayurveda recommends to get up immediately after waking up, before the negative information returns into the body. After this, you should wipe the floor under the bed with a wet cloth right away. In this way, you erase the bad codes of disease from your system.
If it is impossible to wipe the floor due to carpeting, one can sprinkle the floor under the bed with a spray bottle.
TODAY’S TIP: Any Utopian idea that old age or death can be eliminated will never be carried out. Birth, death, disease, and old age are the four miseries of material life. Although scientists may work to try to alleviate these things and may appear to make a little progress, these natural miseries can never be fully eradicated. The Vedic approach is to remove the very foundation of all these miseries, which is material existence itself. A deathless or painless state cannot be achieved within this temporary material life. It is only possible when the soul, with eternal nature full of knowledge and bliss, returns home, back to God.
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