Summer Cleansing Method for Skin and Blood
Summer Cleansing Method for Skin and Blood (Fir needle wrap)
What you’ll need:
Fresh fir tree branches 6 cups
Fresh birch lives 4 cups
Burdock leaf 1
Hot boiled water 6 cups
Turmeric powder 1 Tbsp
Baking soda 7 Tbsp
3 liter (12 cup) saucer pan
1 bed sheet or duvet cover
1 impermeable underlay
An extremely effective method to get rid of toxins is the “fir needle wrap”. This procedure is especially effective in the summer. Summer is the period when the pores of the skin are as open as possible, so they become a person’s best assistant in cleansing the body.
How often to do the procedure.
The method is applied every ten days, two days in a row in the summertime.
In the morning, you need to cut the ends of fir tree branches to fill half of a three-liter saucepan ( 3 liter = 12 cups).These young shoots should be 5-10 cm from the edge of the branch.
Fir tree is a Martian plant, so it can be cut (some other herbs can only be broken).
Fill about half of a three-liter saucepan with hot boiled water and add the fir branches. Add 4 cups of fresh birch lives. Place one burdock leaf on top and add turmeric – one rounded tablespoon. Turmeric is known to be an excellent blood and skin cleanser. Boil this mixture over low heat for 15 minutes and leave to cool.
The procedure.
In the evening, just before going to bed, add 7 Tbsp of baking soda to a saucepan and pour the composition into a suitable bowl.
Take an old duvet cover or a sheet and soak it in the fir decoction. Then squeeze slightly, just so that water does not pour out.
Then lay out an impermeable underlay on the bed. Its size should be big enough to wrap a person like in an envelope – from the bottom to the knees and from the sides to center so that the edges close together. Only the neck and head are allowed to stick out of this structure.
A wrung-out sheet is placed on this unfolded underlay. The person lies down on it, while his/her assistant begins to fold this sheet from one side and the other. Then the rug is rolled up to the knees and secured with tape. In the same way, it is fixed with tape from the sides so that it does not open. They cover the patient with a blanket from above. Then, one lies down like this for about an hour, listening to relaxing music (in no case watching TV or reading books).
Usually, at first a chill is felt, followed by increasing heat. Eventually, a very pleasant sensation will arise – sensation of joy and flight. Some people fall asleep in this state.
An hour later, the patient can get up and take a shower. Five to six minutes of showering is enough. You do not need any soap, since baking soda cleans the skin very well. It becomes velvety to the touch (it is possible that the skin will acquire a slightly yellowish tint due to turmeric). After that you should go to sleep immediately.
This procedure is extremely effective and removes toxins not only from the skin and blood, but also from the joints. It gives the body a safe opportunity to flush out many harmful substances.
TODAY’S TIP: The sheet should be washed as soon as possible because it absorbed a lot of your toxins. Experience shows that one sheet lasts for only 4-5 procedures, after which it turns into rags.
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