Sesame Milk
Sesame Milk
Sesame milk is a plant-based, gluten-free drink made from ground sesame seeds. Such milk is suitable for people with lactose intolerance, as well as for those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. Due to the pleasant nutty taste and a sweet refined aroma, sesame milk is used in different dishes and sauces.
This vegetable milk is based on black or white sesame seeds, which contain important elements for the correct and harmonious development of the body.
Composition and calories
Vegetable milk from sesame seeds is a valuable source of vegetable protein, fiber and fatty acids.
A glass (240 ml) of sesame milk contains:
calories – 90-142 kcal,
carbohydrates – 2 g,
dietary fiber – <1 g,
protein – 8 g,
fat – 5 g,
sodium – 105 mg,
saturated fat – 0.5 g.
Minerals : Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Potassium
Vitamins: B, E, PP, beta-carotene, lignans
Trace elements: zinc, selenium, copper, and iron.
The composition and calorie content depend on the amount of water used and the sweetener added.
Useful properties of sesame milk
Prevention of heart disease
Sesame seeds are enriched with nutrients and antioxidants. The seeds contain sesamin, sesamol, and sesamolin, which help reduce triglycerides, limit blood cholesterol, strengthen the heart, cleanse the coronary arteries, and reduce high blood pressure by improving the circulatory system. Magnesium supports the work of the heart by relaxing smooth muscles, prevents the formation of blood clots and reduces the risk of developing heart disease (ischemia, heart attack).
Sesame milk is a source of calcium
Sesame milk contains up to 30% of the daily value of easily digestible calcium, which is several times higher than in cow’s milk. Calcium is involved in the formation of bones, provides muscle contraction, strengthens teeth, plays an important role in the health of the hormonal and nervous systems, and strengthens blood vessels. The drink will help speed up the rehabilitation period after fractures and prevent osteoporosis.
Sesame milk helps with weight loss
Sesame seeds are a source of fiber and vegetable protein. Thanks to dietary fiber, digestion is normalized, the feeling of satiety lasts longer, the composition of the intestinal microbiota changes and peristalsis is activated. Fiber improves the absorption of nutrients, normalizes blood sugar levels. The drink contains a small amount of sodium, which has a beneficial effect on the water-salt metabolism in the body, preventing the formation of edema. The lignans found in sesame milk help produce liver enzymes that are involved in fat metabolism. Vegetable protein increases the metabolic rate, and helps to reduce the level of calories consumed.
Sesame milk improves immunity
Milk obtained from sesame seeds contains substances necessary for the formation of immunity (copper, zinc, iron, vitamin E, vitamin B6 and selenium). These compounds are involved in the formation of leukocytes and erythrocytes, remove toxins from the body and speed up recovery from illness.
Blood sugar regulation
The low carbohydrate content and moderate amounts of protein and fat in sesame milk lower blood sugar. The composition of the sesame drink includes pinoresinol. This compound inhibits the activity of the digestive enzyme maltase, which slows down the production of sugar, thereby controlling its level.
Sesame milk eliminates stress and nourishes the brain
Sesame milk contains magnesium and substances that support the synthesis of serotonin. These compounds have a calming effect, reduce muscle soreness after exercise, and improve sleep quality and mood. In addition, the product increases concentration in thought processes and during learning.
The drink contains a large amount of fatty acids and vitamin E, which nourish the brain. The antioxidant properties of sesame seed drink prevent early brain aging and can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease6.
For healthy skin, nails and hair
The fatty acids contained in sesame milk have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair. The use of a drink made from sesame seeds has a prophylactic effect on skin diseases and accelerates regeneration processes.
With excessive use of sesame milk, negative consequences are possible, such as:
bloating and pain in the abdomen;
lowering blood pressure;
exacerbation of gout symptoms.
The consumption of sesame milk should be limited if a person has the following symptoms:
increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis and embolism;
urolithiasis disease; an allergic reaction to sesame or other components of the drink; liver failure; biliary dyskinesia; diarrhea.
Consult your doctor if you are pregnant or nursing.
How to make sesame milk
Sesame milk will benefit if it is made from good quality seeds. Spoiled sesame will not contain the proper amount of bioactive elements and minerals, and will worsen the taste of the drink with bitterness.
To prepare sesame milk, you will need dried uncooked sesame seeds and water in a 1: 2 ratio. Grind sesame seeds in a blender bowl at maximum speed, add water and beat well again. The finished mixture is filtered through cheesecloth.
Another way to prepare sesame milk is to soak the sesame seeds overnight in water (1:1) and immediately beat the mixture with a blender, then add 2 portions of water and strain.
Some sweetener can be added if desired.
The cake remaining from sesame seeds is perfect for healthy pancakes. Add flour, water, salt, sweetener and vegetable oil to it, knead the dough of medium density. After 15-20 minutes, pancakes can be baked.
How to store
Always remember that the shelf life of sesame milk is quite short. The package should be stored in the refrigerator, and no more than 2 days. For cooking, use only fresh products, as spoiled milk can cause severe food poisoning.
See also: Black Seeds – the Cure for everything but Death; Non Animal Protein; Oil Massage
TODAY’S TIP: Nutritionists advise to use sesame milk in a course: for 14 days, 100-200 ml in the morning before breakfast. After about 10-12 days, you will feel the effect of a natural product and saturate your body with useful vitamins and minerals. To improve digestion, sesame milk should be drunk before going to bed. Remember that the daily dose of the drink should not exceed 200-250 ml.
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