AYURVEDIC DOSHA TEST determines your mind and body type. It will help you to understand yourself so much better, learn about strong and weak aspects of your personality. After finishing the chart you’ll know your predominant dosha, which gives you a key to balance it and live happier and healthier life.
Check multiple responses to each statement if more than one is applicable; leave the question blank if no choices apply. When you are finished, click on “Calculate“.
According to Ayurveda diseases are the result of the deviation between your natural constitution and the situation right now. Main goal is to restore the balance and to live a life that suits your constitution or type. After calculating what type you are look for tips for the life style and food that suit you according to your dosha.
See daily routine to balance your dosha.
Filling out the quiz twice you can determine the difference between your ideal state –Prakruti – and your current state – Vikruti – and create a program to restore the balance. First base your choices on what is most consistent over a long period of your life and it’ll be your Prakruti. Then fill it out considering how you have been feeling recently in the last month or two and you’ll have your Vikruti.
If your Prakruti and Vikruti are about the same then you will choose the diet and daily routine for your strongest dosha (the one you gained the most points for in Dosha chart). If your Vikruti shows more points for certain dosha than your Prakruti, you should go for diet and daily routine for pacify the aggravated dosha. (See diet and daily routine for Vata, Pitta and Kapha; Seasons and your dosha; Prakruti)