The Secret of an Easy Life
The Secret of an Easy Life
I recently discovered James T. Mangan’s bestselling book, The Secret of an Easy Life. He discovered the Switch word system, which turned out to be simple and very effective.
This method was the result of 45 years of research, the fruit of many years of work with people who have experienced various difficulties in life.
What is its essence?
An easy life is achievable if you focus completely on yourself with the goal of acquiring personal happiness while not trying to change others.
This is possible if you manage to establish a connection between your consciousness and subconscious. Mangan’s primary focus has been on finding a practical method for reuniting these two parts of our personality. As a result, the following technique was discovered.
The Easy Living System is based on four specific principles and works when the appropriate words and phrases are used. These words are a kind of key that unlock the doors of the subconscious. As a result, the consciousness begins to catch and understand the signals given by the subconscious. Supporting the subconscious not only allows us to harmonize our inner life, creating mental comfort, but also leads to the instant fulfillment of our desires.
If you make friends between the conscious and subconscious mind, this will help solve many problems in your present life and in the future. And this can be done using switch words.
These words unite the conscious and subconscious so that they work together to achieve what they want. Using them, states the author, you can get everything: strong relationships, success in business, good health, prosperity.
The main knowledge that James Mangan received as a result of his work is this: the subconscious is ready to accept one word from the conscious mind, but stubbornly resists the flow of words. Therefore, every message addressed to the subconscious can be turned into a monosyllabic formula.
James defined the first and most important word in this formula on March 10, 1951. He says that this word seemed to float out of his subconscious. In the course of a long study, he found out that it is the word “together” that helps to link the consciousness with the subconscious so that they work to achieve what they want. According to James Mangan, the word “together” is not perceived by the subconscious as a suggestion or order, and does not have its usual semantic meaning. It is only a switch word for connecting the subconscious to solving specific problems.
Each formula that Mangan came up with for the subconscious consists of three words. When working with switch words, it is important to follow a certain order of constructing phrases.
Each phrase begins with the master word “together” to unite consciousness and subconsciousness. The phrase should end with the word “now,” which brings the desired event closer.
How to build formulas or phrases for the subconscious?
Let’s look at it with an example. Every person has had situations when he was offended. And even if you realize that you need to let go of the grudge, it is not easy to do. To connect the subconscious to this work, you need to use the switch word “reverse.” Thus, the phrase “together reverse now” is formed. By repeating it, you will notice how you begin to calm down. Resentment, anger, indignation will begin to recede.
Of course, you need to believe that the formulas will help you.
This way you can work with any problem in life. You just need to choose the right words from James Mangan’s list and say them. Remember that each key word must be preceded by the word “together”, and any phrase must be completed with the word “now”.
James Mangan’s list has switch words for every occasion.
For example, those that will help you achieve your desired goal, improve your life, make it easier and happier.
Below you will find the names of five such switch words, and also learn in what situations they should be used.
The first switch word is “fight” (together fight now). This formula will help in cases where a person is faced with problems that he cannot cope with on his own.
The second switch word – “with” (together with now) will come in handy if you want to be compatible with others.
The third switch word is “continue” (together continue now). It helps in developing endurance.
The fourth switch word is “guard” (together guard now). James Mangan recommends using this switch word to preserve personal safety.
The fifth password is “bluff” (together bluff now) is recommended for dispelling nervousness.
What is Perfect Living?
Perfect living is a state of absolute self-togetherness, a union of the conscious and subconscious selves for the ultimate good and benefit of our whole person.
The modern world is well acquainted with the effect of mantras or affirmations on our subconscious, but there is a much simpler method of internal transformation – the use of switchwords according to the method of J.T. Mangan.
This discovery literally revolutionized the psychotherapeutic communities of the end of the previous century.
One single word can not only help you find a lost item or make new friends, but will also keep you from taking a final step.
James Mangan’s list contains about 100 words for all occasions.
TODAY’S TIP: The trick is to do and pursue those things in life that bring you peace. If you are in constant peace, you will have achieved what Morgan calls perfect living.
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