Olive Oil. They Call it Liquid Gold.
Olive Oil. They Call it Liquid Gold.
In ancient times, olive oil was considered a gift from the gods, a natural medicine given by Mother Earth. The inhabitants of the Mediterranean owe their longevity, youth and beauty to olive oil, which they constantly consume in food.
Olive oil has long been a staple of the Mediterranean diet, but it wasn’t until recently that we realized that it not only makes foods taste better—it can make your body function better (and for longer), too.
Anyone who cares about their health has undoubtedly heard that one of the healthiest vegetable oils is olive oil. Experts say that drinking it on an empty stomach helps remove toxins from the body, normalize the gastrointestinal tract, reduce weight and improve overall physical well-being. When consumed on an empty stomach in the morning and/or before bed, olive oil enriches the body with unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and other beneficial substances. It also is useful to reduce blood cholesterol levels and normalize blood pressure. In addition, its vitamin-rich composition strengthens the immune system.
This unique product also has a beneficial effect on bone tissue, which is why olive oil is often used for the prevention of dental problems. Rinsing your mouth with it for 10-15 minutes before your first meal significantly reduces the risk of tartar formation and caries. See also: Oil Pulling – an Ancient Practice of Ayurveda.
Regular consumption of olive oil is recommended for people suffering from frequent constipation, to normalize stool.
Olive oil is widely used on an empty stomach (one teaspoon half an hour before meals) in the fight against excess weight. Its ability to significantly simplify the lives of those who exhaust themselves with diets has been scientifically proven. It turns out that unsaturated fatty acids, which olive oil is unusually rich in, help to deliver the signal to the brain that the body is full most quickly. Plus, olive oil acts as a natural “satiety regulator”, helping people eat significantly less food without violence to the body.
For stomach ulcers or gastritis, it is recommended to start the morning with olive oil: take a dessert spoon of oil on an empty stomach to help the body cope with the disease.
The fatty acids in olive oil are involved in the formation of the brain in the fetus, so it is useful for pregnant women and children. Olive oil also has a beneficial effect on the development of the bone and nervous system of the child. Please consult your physician before taking olive oil while pregnant, breastfeeding or giving it to a child.
The composition of olive oil: The composition of olive oil is unique. It contains many antioxidants, vitamin E, which helps vitamins A and K to be absorbed more easily. The symbiosis of these vitamins improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, rejuvenates the body.
The content of monounsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 makes olive oil a natural remedy for the prevention of heart disease: heart attacks and strokes. Just two tablespoons of oil a day will help the heart. Add them to salads, soups, side dishes and sauces.
Another benefit is that the oleic acid in olive oil reduces the risk of developing cancer, including breast cancer in women. Olive oil improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, and liver. It helps heal ulcers of the stomach and intestines. The oil has a laxative and choleretic effect.
How and how much oil to take:
Take the oil in the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before eating. The oil should be held in your mouth, as if chewing and savoring, and then swallowed.
Despite all the scientifically proven benefits of drinking olive oil on an empty stomach, you should remember that this should be done with caution, after consulting a specialist. The thing is that taking fatty substances on an empty stomach is a very serious burden on the liver. In addition, misuse of oil can cause stones to move, which is dangerous to health.
People with stomach and intestinal diseases can use it only as an additive to the main dish, for example, in salads. But not on an empty stomach!
It stimulates the gallbladder. For people with gallstone disease, this can result in the beginning of the movement of stones, blockage of the bile duct, which can only be removed by surgery.
Before any cleansing, treatment of the body with the active component, you should consult a doctor for advice. And treatment with olive oil is no exception. Otherwise, the harm caused will overlap all the beneficial properties of the product.
Olive oil is very high in (healthy) fat and has a high caloric density. There are around 40 calories in one teaspoon of olive oil.
Besides concerns with calorie count, this can also present a problem if you’re taking certain medications that can affect your absorption of fats, it’s important to talk to your doctor before introducing high amounts of olive oil into your diet.
How to choose olive oil
Buy oil in dark glass containers. The healthiest is Extra Virgin cold-pressed. This is unrefined oil. It has not been heat treated, and it retains as many useful substances as possible.
Often, oil is filtered before bottling, but unfiltered oil is valued more. Pay attention to the place of bottling and packaging. It is better if they match.
Buy oil from trusted manufacturers. Production from Italy, Spain, Tunisia and Greece are valued.
To determine the quality of the oil, you can taste it. Take a sip and hold it in your mouth. The oil should not be bitter, have a wooden flavor or a moldy taste. Fresh oil has a piquant fruity taste and an enveloping consistency.
How to store:
Store olive oil in the cupboard. It does not like direct sunlight. Buy small containers: 6-9 months after opening the bottle, the amount of useful properties in it decreases.
How else is olive oil used:
Olive oil was used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology in Ancient Greece. Masks and baths based on oil were favorite procedures of Egyptian queens.
TODAY’S TIP: If you can’t swallow the oil, mix it with warm water, add a spoonful of honey to a glass to improve the taste of the product. Another way to take the oil is with lemon. Mix a tablespoon of oil with the same amount of lemon juice and drink. The citric acid will dilute the fatty oil and it will be easier to drink.
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