Sun Salutation
Sun Salutation
Surya Namaskara is a salutation to the sun, the source of our life. Sun Salutation is a flowing, full body exercise that is designed to work all the major muscle groups and joints and massage our internal organs. It maintains the flexibility of the spine and opens the three main energy channels that go up the spine, linking the seven chakras and all other energy channels of the body.
Surya Namaskara is performed with rhythmic breathing and is balancing and harmonizing for our spiritual, mental and physical identities. It is simultaneously a meditation and an exercise.
The Sun Salutation appears simple at the first sight but is a deep and multi faceted practice. As the name suggests it is traditionally performed in the early morning on an empty stomach, in bare feet, while wearing comfortable clothing, on a non-skid surface facing east toward the sun. Begin with one to three rounds daily, if you are new to yoga or physical activity, and work slowly up to twelve or more. Allow your breath to flow freely as your body shifts from pose to pose. Go slowly according to your own capacity. If you have a history of high blood pressure or heart trouble, please check with your physician before you do Sun Salutation.
Vata people should perform Sun Salutation slowly and meditatively, Kaphas – quickly and vigorously, and Pittas – at a medium pace.
TODAY’S TIP: Once you become familiar with the sequence, each posture will flow smoothly into one another, almost like a dance while you change postures with each breath.
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