Healing power inside each of us
Healing power inside each of us
From Ayurvedic point of view all diseases are rooted in our habits. Symptoms arise from the way we live, eat, think, and behave. Ayurveda, the oldest, continually practiced medical system in the world provides us with an optimistic attitude, which trusts the healing power of nature and gives a hopeful outlook to most issues.
There is a challenge though for all of us to decide whether or not we want to take responsibility for our own well being. Ayurveda motivates us to face life consciously as an individual and to use our own recourses rather than to be manipulated by mass media and those who are making money out of our ignorance. While large pharmaceutical companies may have your health in mind, they more likely have their stock holders in mind.
Ayurveda is about other options and sources of information which increase our knowledge and offer us natural alternatives. We are targeted to constantly create new markets and bombarded with advertising leading us to believe that we “need” this product. The best response to this reality is to become alert to market manipulations and educate yourself to the many options that exist in natural medicine and treatments. Without knowledge we have no power. Ayurveda provides this knowledge and an easy, practical method of self care. This post was inspired by a beautiful book “Ayurvedic Healing for Women” written by one of my favorite Ayurvedic authors Atreya.
TODAY’S TIP: It’s our choice to take this responsibility or remain a victim of whoever is supplying us with products and information that he or she believes to be good for us and safe. It is our health after all.
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