Lotus – India’s Most Sacred Plant
Lotus – India’s Most Sacred Plant
Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) is a symbol of spiritual unfoldment. It has many names in Sanskrit, for example Padma, Kamala, and Pushkara.
Lotus is good for all constitutions, but it can aggravate Kapha when taken in excess.
Lotus seeds and lotus roots are tonic and rejuvenating foods. The seeds work more as a cardiac tonic and as a seminal tonic. The root works more on first chakra disorders (diarrhea, hemorrhoids, etc.) because its quality is heavier.
As a food, lotus seeds can be taken as a powder – five grams (1 ½ tsp) three times a day, with basmati rice and other tonic herbs like Shatavari or Ashwaganda, spiced and sweetened to taste.
The Lotus is sacred to Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity, and brings material and spiritual abundance. It calms the mind and subdues restless thoughts and dreams.
The seeds are good for devotion and aspiration. They also improve speech, help stop shuttering, and improve concentration.
It is used to treat:
-Bleeding disorders
-Venereal diseases
-Heart weakness
Lotus should be taken with care by highly toxic conditions (See Ama), indigestion, food stagnation, and constipation.
TODAY’S TIP: Lotus seeds are sattvic in nature (See Three Gunas) and have aphrodisiac property. They not only increase the functional activity of the reproductive organs but nourish the entire reproductive system including semen and breast milk.
I drank one lotus pill and experienced vomiting pain in my stomach and diarrea
Lotus should be taken with care by highly toxic conditions (See Ama), indigestion, food stagnation, and constipation.