Portrait of Vata
Portrait of Vata
Vata = Air + Space Key word: Irregularity
Vatas are as light, changeable, and unpredictable as the wind. They have a light thin build; flexible mind and body and tend to be slim or even underweight. They often appear to be too short or too tall and have a variable appetite and digestive strength. They move and think quickly, love excitement and change and are light sleepers. Their veins and joints are often quite prominent and they generally have dry skin tending toward roughness. They are often attracted to astringent food such as salads and vegetables, but their bodies actually need sweet, sour, and salty tastes (see Food list for Vata). Vatas walk quickly and are always in a rush. Due to mobile quality of Vata, they do not like sitting idle but prefer constant activity. They are attracted to traveling, jogging, jumping, and vigorous physical activities, but because they tend to have less stamina, they can easy get strained or overtired.
One of the main psychological qualities of Vata is readiness to change or, to put it another way, difficulty with stability and commitment. They get easily bored and have a hard time settling down and staying grounded.
Psychologically Vatas are blessed with quick minds, mental flexibility, and creativity. When in balance, they are cheerful, enthusiastic, charming, vibrant, joyful, and happy.
The behaviors that Vata types are drawn to – travel, erratic hours, frequent change – can easily upset their balance and lead to Vata disorders such as insomnia; twitches and tics; dry skin, hair, and lips; cracked heels; lower back pai;, as well as constipation; gaseous distention; muscle tightness; and arthritis. They go out of balance most easily and can be worriers and unfocused airheads.
Balancing Vata:
Keep a regular routine (see Life style for Vata)
Do daily oil massage (see Abhyanga)
Keep warm
Keep calm (see Meditation for Vata)
Avoid raw foods
Avoid cold foods and drinks
Eat food with salty, sour and sweet taste (see six tastes)
Eat warm, moist and slightly oily food
Do yoga postures that calm Vata (see Yoga for your dosha).
TODAY’S TIP: Sticking to a routine is difficult for Vata, but it is vital if they are to remain healthy.
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