Portrait of Pitta
Portrait of Pitta
Pitta = Fire + Water Key word: Intensity
People in whom Pitta predominates are intense and fiery, with strong drive, self-control. They are alert and intelligent and have good powers of comprehension and concentration. They are usually medium in height, weight, and endurance. They sunburn easily and usually have plenty of freckles and moles. They seldom lose or gain much weight. Pittas often experience early graying or hair loss and frequently have bleeding gums.
The normal body temperature of people with Pitta constitution is a little higher than in other Doshas, and their hands and feet are usually warm and may be sweaty. They perspire quite a lot and their perspiration often has a strong, sulfuric smell. The heat is the main characteristic of Pitta type so they have low tolerance for hot weather, sunshine, or hard physical work. Pittas have a strong appetite and digestion and get irritable when don’t eat on time. They are often attracted to hot spicy dishes, which are not good for them. They should eat food with sweet, bitter, and astringent taste (see Six tastes and Food list for Pitta).
Pittas are good planners and are ambitious and disciplined. Aggressive by nature, they easily take control of situations. They are often wise, brilliant people, but they can also have a controlling, dominating personality with a tendency toward comparison, competition, and perfectionism. Pitta individuals are in constant search of success, never yield from their principles, and can’t bear waiting or being delayed.
Imbalanced Pittas can be annoyingly demanding and critical of themselves and others, prone to sarcasm, sharp anger, and irritability under stress. They generally enjoy good health, however when out of balance, their fiery constitution is prone to fevers, inflammatory diseases, acid indigestion, jaundice, hives and rushes, burning sensations, ulceration, heart attacks, and burning eyes.
Balancing Pitta :
Avoid excessive heat
Avoid excessive oil
Avoid excessive steam
Avoid sour and fermented food (cheese, yogurt, sour wine)
Limit salt intake
Eat cooling, not spicy food
Drink cool (but not iced) drinks
Exercise during the cooler part of the day (see Yoga asanas for Pitta)
TODAY’S TIP: Summer is the most difficult time when Pitta dosha can easily become aggravated. Cool down, adjusting your diet and life style to the season (see Lifestyle and Seasons and your Dosha).
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