Gums, Teeth, and Bad Breath
Gums, Teeth, and Bad Breath
The condition of the gums, teeth, and the freshness of your breath reflects the health of the bones in your body and your overall health. Follow the appropriate Daily Lifestyle regimen for your dosha to set the foundation for improved digestion and better health (see Daily routine for your dosha; and Ayurvedic diet).
Ayurvedic toothpastes and toothpowders are composed with extracts of various herbs with spicy and astringent tastes to stimulate and tighten the gums. Ayurveda prefers toothpowders to toothpastes. Rubbed into the gums on a daily basis they can prevent or eliminate most gum problems. Massaging the gums with oils like Sesame or Coconut is also good for maintaining the tone of the gums, particularly for Vata types or those with receding gums. Gum massage is essential for health and longevity of teeth and gums.
That’s a good idea to use Aerobic Oxygen to sterilaze toothbrush and purify water.
For bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth many spicy herbs are good, taken as teas, such as thyme, peppermint, cinnamon and cloves. Sucking cloves after meals is another good breath freshener. Chronic bad breath is a digestive disorder. This Pitta condition is treated by restoring the digestive fire (Agni, see Toxic ama).
Swollen or bleeding gums are usually a Pitta disorder but may be only a local problem of poor hygiene. Vata types suffer more from receding gums. Kapha types generally have good gums but swelling and excessive eating of sugar can cause them to deteriorate. Swollen gums are treated by applying astringent herbs like alum, alumroot, turmeric, catechu, myrrh, or Triphala powder. By receding gums however use astringent with care.
Good analgesics for toothache are cloves, wild ginger, and prickly ash.
TODAY’S TIP: I am pretty happy with Neem Toothpaste from an Indian grocery store.
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