Why Herbs will never get approved by the FDA
Why Herbs will never get approved by the FDA
There are few mysteries when it comes to our health. Common sense tells us that our basic habits and attitudes in life determine our overall state of health. The quality of your life depends on what you think; do on a daily basis; and what you ingest.
A study, published in the April 1998 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association, supported the centuries-old view of Ayurveda. The study followed 1700 people for thirty-five years and monitored their life styles. Those people with “good” habits and diets lived longer on the average. However, even if the participants with “good” habits died before those with “bad” habits, they died without chronic disability. In other words they continued to have a high-quality life right up to death, or shortly before. Your quality of life can easily be maintained or increased if you want to do so.
Ayurvedically prepared herbal supplements, diet, and life style according to your constitution, season and stage of your life are equally important (see Ayurvedic diet and eating habits; Daily routine for your dosha; Six tastes; Seasons and the doshas; and The four stages of life).
Another study that followed menopausal women proved that diet and life style are as effective as HRT (hormone replacement therapy) with one exception – there were no side effects ( I found more very impressive research results in following books: Ayurvedic Healing for Women: Herbal Gynecology by Atreya; and Perfect Health: The Complete Mind/Body Guide,
by Deepak Chopra).
Why don’t we hear much about such studies? It should be clear to all that herbs, diet, and life style cannot be patented under a brand name and marketed. This is especially true in the realm of herbal research. Who is willing to spend several million dollars on researching an herb in it’s totally when they will never be able to make money from the results of their findings? Our whole society needs to shift dramatically for this to become a reality.
TODAY’S TIP: Fortunately we have the ancient system and advice of Ayurveda to guide us, as it has done since the beginning of time.
Totally agree! We all should take responsibility for our own health and be aware of market trics.