Meditation for Pitta
Meditation for Pitta
Pitta people (see Portrait of Pitta) need to meditate in order to release their anger and aggression and let go of their controlling approach to life. They usually have good concentration and meditate more easily than Vata and Kapha. Meditation can be a good way for them to focus their mental energy in a positive manner.
Pittas should make sure they do not turn the meditation in some form of achievement or competition. The goal is to release the tension rather than control it.
Before meditation, Pitta people need to relax and cool down. That means no strenuous exercise and hard work right before the meditation. Cooling Pranayama helps release their internal heat (as breathing evenly in and out through the left nostril only with the right nostril gently closed with your thumb).
Visualization, affirmation and mantra:
For visualization, Pitta people should use non-fiery images like a mountains, a forest, a lake or the ocean, rain clouds, the deep blue sky, flowers with cooling colors, the moon or the stars. The colors white, dark blue, and emerald green work well for them.
Pitta individuals should do affirmations increasing forgiveness, compassion, and love and surrendering anger. They should do affirmations for peace and happiness of all beings seeking forgiveness for their actions that might have harmed other creatures.
Pitta pacifying mantras are SHAM (a sound as in shut), SHRIM (shreem) and OM. These mantras should be repeated silently. It is also helpful to use those mantras during the day when Pitta emotions like anger get elevated.
You’ll find more meditation tips in Yoga & Ayurveda: Self-Healing and Self-Realization by David Frawley.
TODAY’S TIP: Meditation should calm down Pitta’s mind and heart and feel like gentle waves moving across a lake in the moonlight.
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