HomeAyurvedic Diet and Eating HabitsMenopause – A Great Time for Rejuvenation


Menopause – A Great Time for Rejuvenation — 4 Comments

  1. i purchased the kunbao wan product from my acupuncture doctor however my product is not in bags they are small balls > i forgot to ask her if i soak these little balls to make a tea and drink the tea do i also swallow the little balls?

  2. hey guys,
    I am Taiwanese(Our country contains Chinese culture). We seldom buy a kind of drug like this because we are going to see a doctor who is major in Chinese medicine. This is a bottle of drug. If you don’t know what this drug contain the side effect, you should think carefully.

    I just search some information, so I read this website by chance.
    I get shocked someone sold herbal drug on website.
    This is drug not nutrition.

  3. Dear Ellen,
    Thank you very much for your comment. Of course, one should use common sense and consult his/her doctor before taking any pills, even vitamins.
    That is why my article says:

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