Time for Fall Detox
Time for Fall Detox
The period from September 15 to October 15 is considered in Ayurveda an optimal time to get rid of toxins that the body has accumulated during the hot Pitta season. Ayurveda offers us Panchakarma, the five actions to clear out the accumulated toxins and prevent the progression of disease. Panchakarma performed by trained Ayurvedic physician and tailored to your unique constitution can significantly clean and rejuvenate your body.
If you are not near a center where Panchakarma is available you can do an effective 7 days purification program at home.
Days 1-3
Begin with internal oleation. For 3 days in a row take about 2 oz of warmed, liquefied Ghee (clarified butter) early in the morning. The Ghee provides internal oleation and lubrication, which is necessary so that the ama, or toxins, begin to come back from the deep tissue to the gastrointestinal tract for elimination.
During the entire time it is important to get plenty of rest, and to observe a light vegetarian diet. Try to go to bed and get up early.
From day four eat only Kitchari (see recipe).
Days 4-6
After three days of internal oleation it is time for external oleation. For the next three days apply 7 to 8 ounces of warm (not hot) oil to your body following with a hot bath, shower, or portable home sauna (see details for your dosha in Abhyanga).
Day 7 is a day of cleansing, light fasting and complete rest. Plan your Panchakarma so that on the 7th day you can take time off from your usual routine.
In the morning when you wake up, take a purgative of pure castor oil with ginger or lemon tea. Vata and Kapha types use 2 Tbsp, Pitta – 1Tbsp of castor oil. Follow the castor oil with a cup of herbal tea every half hour. Take no solid food until you have moved your bowels about four to six times. In the evening eat a light dinner of thin Kitchari (Double or triple the amount of water in the recipe). No vigorous activity at all that day. Relax, meditate, and sleep as often as you like. It is a powerful process and it requires your respect.
TODAY’S TIP: If you do not have time even for a short detox, try Margarite acne pills, which will clean your blood. Clearing of the skin is a pleasant “side effect”.
See also: Ritucharya-seasonal routine; and Dinacharya-daily routine).
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