Grace of God Meditation
This beautiful meditation is designed to promote competence and effectiveness. It helps a person to positively channel their emotions, increase mental clarity, and correct negative personality pattern.
Notice that Grace of God meditation is practiced differently for men and women.
The meditation is done in two parts. It can be done separately or as a sequence of two parts. For best results practice it in full twice a day.
Ideal times are the sunrise and the sunset. Practicing the Grace of God meditation before going to bed will promote good sleep.
How to practice:
Lie down on the back fully relaxing your face and body. Inhale deeply, hold the breath, and repeat in your mind 10 times:
For women: “I am grace of God”
For men: “I am in the Grace of God”
Tense the fingers one at a time to keep count.
Exhale all the air out, hold the breath out and repeat the mantra 10 times.
Continue breathing and repeating the mantra in this manner 10 times on each inhale and 10 times on each exhale, for a total of five inhalations and five exhalations (100 repetitions in total).
After the above cycle is completed, relax your breath, and with your eyes still closed come sitting up into Easy Pose (legs crossed). Bring the right hand into Gyan Mudra (index finger curled under the thumb, other three fingers stretched out straight, palm up, wrist resting on the knee, elbow straight). The left hand is held up by the left shoulder, palm flat and facing forward, as if you are taking an oath. Breath will be relaxed and normal. Tense only one finger of the left hand at a time, keeping the other fingers straight but relaxed. Meditate on the ruling energy of your little finger (see the chart below), and then repeat aloud 5 times: “I am Grace of God” (for women) or “I am in the Grace of God” (for men).
Continue this sequence for the remaining fingers and the thumb one at a time.
When both parts are completed, lower the left hand down and relax for a few minutes.
Practice the Grace of God meditation twice a day. It is best to practice on an empty stomach.
Ruling Energies of five fingers:
Little Finger MERCURY (Power to relate and communicate)
Ring Finger SUN/VENUS (Physical health, grace, and beauty)
Middle Finger SATURN (Devotion/ patience)
Index Finger JUPITER (Wisdom and expansion, ability to change)
Thumb Positive ego (Unselfishness, compassion)
TODAY’S TIP: If you want to correct a particular characteristic in your behavior or thinking patterns simply concentrate on particular energy of the corresponding finger.
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