Fresh Air – A Natural Healer and Rejuvenator
Fresh Air – A Natural Healer and Rejuvenator
We can live several months without food, several days without water, but only a few minutes without air. I’ve read about yogis whose minds and bodies are so refined that they sustain only on air for years! Of course, they meditate far away from our large cities and highways.
How much time do we spend outdoors? We often go from one closed space to the other in our small closed spaces – the cars. Our kids spend 6 – 7 hours each day in the classroom with little breaks for PE. But our body needs fresh air every day, since oxygen plays a huge role in maintaining good health and a sense of wellbeing. Fresh air produces a healthy mind, clean lungs, and a calmer constitution when we actively use it.
Some people don’t want to go outdoors out of fear of polluted air. But the truth is that unless there is a forest fire or a chemical plant accident near your home, the air in your room is always worse than outdoors. Due to higher mobility the air gets refreshed faster outdoors than indoors. Inside the buildings we inhale dust, mold, and chemicals from carpets, furniture, and cleaning products.
One of the best investments you can make for your health is to get an air purifier.
An air purifier is a device which removes contaminants from the air. These devices are beneficial to allergy sufferers and asthmatics, and reduce or eliminate second-hand tobacco smoke. A good air purifier will remove not only pollen, dander, mold spores, and dust mite feces but also volatile organic compounds.
Benefits of the pure air:
1. Improves your overall health.
2. Promotes better sleep.
3. Strengthens the respiratory system.
4. Makes your skin radiant.
5. Controls your weight by increasing metabolism.
6. Improves concentration and memory.
7. Relives allergies and pulmonary disorders.
Here is one of the best and affordable air purifiers available on the market
Other tips to get fresh air indoors:
1. Open the windows as often as possible. Even a few minutes of fresh air every day makes a huge difference.
2. Get indoor plants. They produce oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide, and some of them even remove toxic pollutants from the air. Holy Basil is a plant which is highly valued in Ayurveda for its ability to purify not only the air but also the spirit in the house.
3. If you have pets, make sure you wash their bedding and throw away litter regularly.
4. Get a small indoor waterfall or fountain.
5. Don’t smoke inside or run your car engine for a long time in the garage which joints your house.
TODAY’S TIP: Pranayamas (breathing exercises) do wonders in improving your breath capacity and thus overall wellbeing. See Nadi Shodhana; Breath of fire; and Nasal Cleansing.
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