Why is it bad to work at night?
Why is it bad to work at night?
Why is it bad to work at night? Many artists or other people find it a good time to work.
Let’s see what happens in our body if we break the nature’s law. Basically when people work at night they cause Pitta and Vata imbalances because this is the time when vata does not move except for one of its five subdoshas vyana vayu who goes around collecting waste. In the morning the other subdosha of Vata apana vayu expels this waste that was collected by vyana. So when all five subdoshas of Vata are activated by staying awake and working in the night several things happen:
– waste is not collected properly causing disorders like arthritis, etc. in time due to waste accumulation.
– the other subdoshas of Vata prevent vyana from working correctly, but they also do not get time to rest so they become inefficient in their day time functions.
– Vata being active at night activates both Pitta and Kapha and prevents them from removing waste from their areas of the body (small intestine and stomach).
– Vata becomes tired in the afternoon causing low periods of the day cycle of vata (2-6 p.m.)
Pitta becomes aggravated by the activation of Pitta in its night time cycle. People who work at night get a second wave of energy around 11.30 to midnight because they have activated Pitta in an outward direction. Pitta as the controller of chemical transformations has a day time and night time work. The night time work (10 p.m.-2a.m.) is the internal transformation of micro nutrients, whereas the day time (10 a.m.-2 p.m.) is suited more for the transformation of macro nutrients, e.g. digestion. So you have more of a cellular Pitta activity in the night that becomes compromised by external work – the result will be various diseases.
See also: Ritucharya-seasonal routine; and Dinacharya-daily routine).
TODAY’S TIP : See my previous post “Early to bed and early to rise…”
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