Atma Karaka Planet – Indicator of Fate
Atma Karaka Planet – Indicator of Fate
Atma Karaka means the planet of the Soul (Translated from Sanskrit, “atma” is the soul, and “karaka” is an indicator).
According to Vedic astrology, the human soul also has desires. They are formed over more than one lifetime. Unfulfilled desires of the past are reflected in the natal chart in the form of a planet with the highest degree. The exception is Planet Rahu which will be Atma-Karaka having the smallest degree among all the planets of the horoscope. If Rahu has the smallest degree then together with the planet having the highest degree they will make two Atma-Karakas in the given birth chart.
Eight planets can become Atma Karaka (AK): Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and Rahu.
Atma Karaka symbolizes the main talent of a person and his/her karmic task. Depending on what AK you have, life obstacles are determined. Their goal is not to break, but to facilitate the development of your dormant talent. If you go through trials with dignity, you will reveal your potential.
Our western zodiac sign is the sign where the Sun was at the time of our birth: it is responsible for our inner world and character. And the Atma Karaka is the sign rising on the eastern horizon at the moment we were born. It tells everything about our interaction with the outside world.
Atma Karaka indicates the desires of the soul for this particular incarnation. The nature of this planet and its position show the vector of development of our fate. If we stray from our destiny, Atma Karaka can teach us through suffering; it encourages us to move from the material desires to the spiritual.
The house that the Atma Karaka rules in the chart shows the area of life where our soul’s desires are satisfied.
Any Atma Karaka can have two extremes and our task is to find a middle ground. Life lessons in the form of situations and meetings will contribute to this.
Sun – Atma Karaka
We need to find a balance between the two poles:
independence, self-sufficiency, natural authority, high ideals.
pride, touchiness, the concept of “I’m always right.”
Methods of harmonization: learn humility, control egoism, listen to others, admit mistakes, accept yourself, honor your father, superiors, and elders.
Moon – Atma Karaka
We need to find a balance between the two poles:
excessive emotionality.
Methods of harmonization: learn to be attentive, maintain balance, keep track of expectations which, if unfulfilled, lead to emotional disappointment. Develop relationships with mother, women and everything that represents the maternal principle. Learn to understand and accept the emotionality of other people.
Mars – Atma Karaka
We need to find a balance between the two poles:
energy, will to win.
hot temper, challenging spirit, irritability, tendency to violence.
Methods of harmonization: Do not perceive life as a competition, use force correctly, control anger, practice non-violence (ahimsa), avoid aggression. Learn to refrain from aggression in thoughts, words and actions. Learn to indicate your firm position based on internal values. Direct your energy to physical activity. Develop relationships with brothers and sisters and everyone who belongs to this category (people of about the same age and status as you).
Mercury – Atma Karaka
We need to find a balance between the two poles:
sociability, awareness, intelligence, prudence.
talkativeness, tendency to lie, cunning, manipulativeness.
Methods of harmonization: learn to communicate correctly, control speech (what, when and to whom to say), learn to remain silent when necessary. Learn not to absorb new information until the previous peace of information has been assimilated. Bring the work you started to the end; incorporate awareness into your life. Slow down the flow of thoughts and speech. Develop relationships with relatives and friends.
Jupiter – Atma Karaka
We need to find a balance between the two poles:
thirst for knowledge, scholarship.
greed, desire to teach everyone (the “guru” syndrome), neglect of the marriage partner, children, disrespect for the views of others.
Methods of harmonization: maintain the position of a student, track your desire to gain as much knowledge as possible, even if you don’t need it. See the value in interaction with others. Understand that all abilities are given by God and He brings people together for a reason, therefore we must help others because the Lord brought them to us. Learn not to idealize. Develop respect for your teacher, partner, the views of others, and take more care of children.
Venus – Atma Karaka
We need to find a balance between the two poles:
aestheticism, love, good taste.
increased passion, abuse in the sphere of feelings, tendency to cheat.
Methods of harmonization: learn to give unselfishly in relationships but at the same time not dissolve in them. Track the dependence of the feeling of happiness on external comfort, beauty, purity or pleasures.
Saturn – Atma Karaka
We need to find a balance between the two poles:
endurance, patience, efficiency.
pessimism, touchiness, rigidity, pedantry.
Methods of harmonization: learn to endure difficulties, not cause suffering to others, develop optimism, learn compassion, learn not to be offended, engage in physical labor.
Rahu – Atma Karaka
We need to find a balance between the two poles:
innovation, propensity for reform, ability to plan for the future, ingenuity.
rebellious spirit, disregard for traditions, tendency to deceive, excessive, tendency to fall into illusion.
Methods of harmonization: move towards the new while maintaining respect for the old, move from external to internal progress, control the tendency to expand, study other cultures, interact with foreigners or live abroad.
TODAY’S TIP: You’ve probably noticed that people born in the same year and month can be very different. According to Western astrology, they are born under the same sign and should have similar characteristics. The Sun stays in one sign for a whole month, while the Atma Karaka changes every 2 hours. Therefore, the same Sun sign has completely different Atma Karakas. Within 24 hours, 12 different Atma Karakas appear one after another. This explains why people born in the same month are so different. Even with a difference of one minute, two independent Atma Karakas can act, which is why the twins can have different characters and fates.
See also: The Solar Return; Maha Dasha; Basic of Vedic Astrology; Muhurta-Auspicious Time to Start Things; Retrograde Planets; Vedas on Cosmos.
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